-- card: 88087 from stack: in -- bmap block id: 88336 -- flags: 0000 -- background id: 2756 -- name: -- part contents for background part 23 ----- text ----- Western Australia -- part contents for background part 14 ----- text ----- Tardun Tarin Rock Tarwonga Teddington Telfer Tenindewa Tenterden Teutonic The Spectacles Thornlie Three Springs Tincurrin Tingledale Tom Price Tone River Mill Tonebridge Toodyay -- part contents for background part 15 ----- text ----- 098 098 098 099 098 (090) (09) (09) 099 098 (098) 091 (097) 097 09 -- part contents for background part 16 ----- text ----- 6628 6353 6391 6324 6762 6632 6322 6438 6167 6108 6519 6361 6333 6751 6258 6244 6566 -- part contents for background part 17 ----- text ----- Toolbrunup Toolibin Torbay Totadgin Trayning Treesville Treeton Trigg Tuart Hill Turkey Point Two Rocks - U - Univ of WA (Crawley) Upper Kalgan Upper Swan Utakarra - V - -- part contents for background part 18 ----- text ----- (098) (098) (098) (090) 096 (097) (097) (09) (09) (097) (09) (09) (098) (09) (099) -- part contents for background part 19 ----- text ----- 6320 6312 6330 6417 6488 6225 6284 6020 6060 6230 6037 6009 6330 6056 6530 -- part contents for background part 20 ----- text ----- Varley Vasse Victoria Park Victoria Park East Viveash - W - Wagerup Waggrakine Wagin Waikiki Walgoolan Walkaway Walliston Walpole Wamenusking Wandering Wandi -- part contents for background part 21 ----- text ----- 098 097 (09) (09) (09) (097) (099) 098 (09) (090) 099 (09) 098 096 098 (09) -- part contents for background part 22 ----- text ----- 6355 6282 6100 6101 6056 6215 6530 6315 6169 6422 6528 6076 6398 6383 6308 6167 -- part contents for background part 24 ----- text ----- Tardun to Wandi